Your Winding Path

Interfaith Spiritual Direction for Challenging Times

Welcome! I’m glad you're here.

The world is confusing and rapidly changing and many people are asking questions that don’t have easy answers. Spiritual Direction offers a space where you can safely ask these questions with the support and guidance of a spiritual companion.

Questions such as— 

  • What brings you alive?
  • What nourishes your spirit?
  • What gives your life meaning and value? 
  • How can we stay connected to our humanity?
  • How can we find a sense of home in our own being?
  • How can we respond to the complexities of our time in a way that is meaningful to ourselves, the culture, and the planet? 

Spiritual Direction is an invitation for you to go beyond psychological understanding to make sense of your spirit. It is an exploration of your life as an individual and how it weaves into your relationships, your vocations, your actions and your various roles in the world.

By psychological work we are changed, in spiritual work we are revealed.

David Richo

Explore and Observe

What are your current practices, if any, that support you in your life? Do they nurture and fulfill you? Would you like to explore other practices that would bring more meaning and vitality to your life?

Inquire and Discern

Are you feeling empty or confused in your life? Would a spiritual perspective feel supportive? 

Discover and Adapt

Are you interested in exploring other ways to move through the world that would feel more in line with your goals and values?

Act and Honor

How can we create spiritual practices and perspectives that nurture our interconnectedness and support us in responding meaningfully to these complex times?

Together, we will focus on creating a space that allows for the spiritual dimensions of your life to emerge so you can begin to honor the things that bring you meaning and value.

As your spiritual companion, I’m here to provide deep listening and curiosity as you explore your spiritual life, whatever that means to you. My role is to be with you on your journey to make contact with your essential self so you can live more fully and more authentically in the world.

Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

―Howard Thurman